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Colt Starting

At Flying G Ranch, every horse that is listed for sale has been started by us. The only exception is the odd client horse that we may be selling on their behalf, in which case it will be stated in the sale listing. All colts are started according to their specific needs and are put through a process that causes them to engage their minds and think through whatever situation they find themselves in.

The goal is to produce a calm, confident, thinking horse that is alert and responsive enough to get the job done yet quiet and dependable enough so just about anyone can ride it. Our aim is to put a complete and thorough foundation on every colt so they are equipped to head in any direction needed. Most colts have the opportunity to be exposed to cattle and be roped off of.

Typically the colts are started in the round corral. Once they have a half decent handle on them they'll be taken out and ridden on pasture where they'll cover some rougher terrain, get worked on hills, and like previously mentioned, get exposed to cattle.

We do provide colt starting services to a limited number of outside horses each year. Please feel free to contact us to inquire about this further.

*Currently accepting outside horses*

The cost for this is $950/month.

Please visit the gallery page for more photos

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